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What are the uses of calcium hydroxide

When it comes to calcium hydroxide, many people may not know what it is. It should be more familiar with slaked lime and slaked lime, especially in chemical experiments and physical experiments. So, in addition to being able to do experiments, do you know any other uses for this calcium hydroxide? What is calcium hydroxide […]

Detailed explanation of high-purity calcium hydroxide processing process

Calcium hydroxide is obtained from the chemical reaction of calcium oxide and water, and is a traditional product of inorganic chemical industry. The processing method of high-purity calcium hydroxide is more complicated than that of ordinary calcium hydroxide, and it needs to use raw materials with high activity and low impurity content for processing. With […]

What are the advantages of calcium hydroxide production line? How does it work?

The production of calcium hydroxide has been developed from the traditional manual to the current intelligent production line, and the production efficiency and production equipment have been greatly improved. The following calcium hydroxide manufacturers will introduce the calcium hydroxide production line to you. What advantages and how does it work! Advantages of calcium hydroxide production […]

Brief analysis of five automation systems of hydrated lime production line

With the continuous innovation of science and technology, the era of mechanization and automation has come quietly. After decades of ups and downs, the hydrated lime production line has also entered a new era, and fully automated equipment has gradually replaced manual operations. From the perspective of science and technology, we will follow the calcium […]

How to storage calcium hydroxide equipment?

As a large-scale equipment, calcium hydroxide equipment needs to be properly kept when not in use, otherwise it will only cause wear and tear of the equipment. To keep equipment and accessories safe from corrosion, loss and damage. So, how to storage calcium hydroxide equipment? 1. According to the specific situation of the construction progress, […]

What are the advantages of using environmentally friendly calcium hydroxide production line?

The production of calcium hydroxide is completed by using a complete calcium hydroxide production line. For the current new type of calcium hydroxide equipment, the configuration is relatively complete, and the requirements for environmental protection have also improved a lot. Many calcium hydroxide manufacturers, Everyone feels that the new type of calcium hydroxide equipment is […]

Commissioning site of 15T calcium hydroxide production line

The production process of calcium hydroxide processing equipment is to crush qualified block calcium oxide through a jaw crusher to a particle size of about 40mm, and send it to the calcium hydroxide storage tank through a bucket elevator, and then quantitatively transport it into the first-level digester , carry out the preliminary reaction, and […]